Diamonhead Handguard dropinWhen it comes to firearms, not much is quite as important as ensuring that your gun is a safe, comfortable fit. Due to their design, drop-in handguards are only held in place by pressure from the delta ring assembly and the handguard cap, so they tend to move a bit when installed.

In contrast, free-floating handguards won’t move at all when installed securely to the barrel nut and don’t touch the barrel at all. We will compare the benefits of each style of handguard below.


Drop-in handguards are generally less expensive than free-floating handguards because they have a simpler design. This makes them faster to manufacture and develop.

Weight & Installation

Free-floating handguards usually weigh more than drop-in handguards because they have to support their weight and accessories over their length (all the way down the barrel). Drop-in handguards, on the other hand, weigh less because they contact the barrel at each end of the handguard.


Mounted Optics & Lasers

It isn’t recommended to mount optics or lasers on drop-in handguards because they tend to not hold as steady as a free-floating handguard. In the end, it isn’t as much of an issue as it would seem with drop-in handguards because the front sight or gas block is still in front of the end of the handguard. However, since the free-floating handguard doesn’t touch the barrel at all, if the front sight is attached to the barrel, the sights won’t be affected by any pressure or slight bending of the handguard when holding the rifle.

Forward Grips, Flashlights, & Bipods

Forward grips and bipods can be installed on both types of handguards but, with how long both are, they add torque. Due to this, it is easier for a drop-in handguard to rotate as you move with the rifle. We have customers and employees who successfully use forward grips and bipods on both types of handguards. Flashlights can be installed on either type of handguard without any issues.

Key Takeaway

Free-floating handguards tend to be heavier, more expensive, and harder to install than drop-ins, so always consider your needs. Some swear by drop-ins for their ease of use, while others prefer free-floating for their improved accuracy. It's about finding a comfortable fit for you and your budget.