team stag arms"In the world of Competitive Shooting, the month of August holds the most diversified matches a competitor will find. Long 600 yard shots, courses in complete darkness, and quick speed shoots will test any 3 Gunner in the country to their limits.

I was the only shooter in the nation to stay in the Top 5 at all 3 Major Matches in ultra competitive Tactical Optics Division. The first match was in New Mexico at the famous NRA Whittington Center. 

The Rocky Mountain 3 Gun Championship tests the shooter's long range rifle prowess with targets as far as 600 yards away. I was able to maintain a Top 5 finish after suffering a rough start.

Then I went on to Bend, Oregon for the CTC Midnight Invitational, the world's largest all night 3 gun match. The versatility of the STAG Arms

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